Joyful Deeds Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) organization which operates solely from the benefits of donation and charity. 100% of the proceeds is utilized to assist under-privileged/sick children, teen drug awareness, as well as support our senior community and other fellow individuals during a time of need.
Life is like a train ride. We get on. We ride. We get off. Some of this ride brings great moments of joy; some result with profound sorrow. We board the train thinking our fellow companions will be with us the entire journey. Sadly, sometimes this is far from the truth. Some people board and depart too early. we must strive to make the best of their mater what. And at any moment during our journey, any one of our travel companions can be in need of our help. One thing for certain, when the train reaches the main station, we will be reunited with all of our traveling partners. I'll be glad to see them all again, and I am thankful for how they have enriched my life, as much as I have enriched theirs. We're all on this ride together. We should strive to make the journey as pleasant and memorable as possible." (author unknown)